Saturday, 19 October 2019

Peripheral Neuropathy:Beyond the brain & spinal cord

Peripheral neuropathy often referred as the damage to the nerves is caused outside the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is associated with sending information from the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) to the rest of your body. It also sends sensory information to the central nervous system. Damage to these nerves can impair muscle movement, induces pain and prevents normal sensation to hands and legs. 

peripheral neuropathy

Reasons for peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy cannot appear in one particular condition. There are varied causes for the nerves to get damaged such as:

Diabetes - more than half the people with diabetes might develop some form of nerve disorder 

Infections - viral or bacterial infections like leprosy, hepatitis B, HIV and much more 
Poor nutrition - intake of food needs to be balanced and proper. Body needs proper nutrients and vitamins

Tumours - some growths, cancerous or noncancerous can lead to nervous disorders
Kidney or thyroid disease 

Bone marrow disorders - bone cancer or abnormal protein content in blood 

Alcohol - intake of alcohol usually reduces the consumption of proper food which leads to poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency

Injuries from accidents or falls - major accidents, sports injuries and falls can damage the nervous system 

Exposure to poison -  industrial chemicals and substances are toxic 
Inherited or hereditary disorders 

Certain medications used to treat cancer - medicines used to treat chemotherapy can cause peripheral neuropathy

In some rare scenarios, it will be a challenge to find a cause for the nerve damage. 

Notice the signs 

Each nerve in the peripheral system has got specific functions. Hence, symptoms depend on the nerve affected. There are mainly 3 types of nerves such as:
  • Sensory nerves that receive all the sensations 
  • Motor nerves which control the muscle movements 
  • Autonomic nerves that control certain functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, digestion and bladder
Symptoms include:
  • Numbness 
  • Tingling
  • Throbbing pain 
  • Loss of sensation in arms & legs 
  • Weakness in muscles
  • Lack of coordination
  • If motor nerves are affected then, paralysis 
  • Digestive problems 
  • Heat intolerance 
  • Excessive sweating or unable to sweat 
  • Fluctuation in blood pressure

Medical care 

In medical care, tablets which help in neuropathic pain, to reduce tingling and numbness and which help in nerve regrowth are used. Certain peripheral neuropathy conditions can be treated with medicines such as pain killers, antidepressant tablets and ointments that can be used for mild to moderate symptoms.

Sometimes various therapies and procedures can help treat the signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy such as:

Physical therapy

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) - these are electrodes placed on the skin that delivers electric current at varying frequencies. This need to used for 30 minutes daily for a month to see the result 

Plasma exchange and intravenous immune globulin - this procedure can help suppress the immune system activity that could help people with certain inflammatory conditions. Plasma exchange involves removing blood, antibodies and certain proteins from the body and returning the blood back to the body. Whereas, in immune globulin therapy the individual will receive high levels of protein that will work as antibodies or immunoglobulins 

peripheral neuropathy

Damaging nerves is a major issue and has to be treated on time. At Dr. Vanchilingam Hospital Pvt Ltd, doctors can suggest the effective measures and treatments for all neurological disorders.

Blog Reviewed by: Dr. S. Vanchilingam
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