Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Importance Of Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke rehabilitation is one of the most important parts of stroke treatment. Post a stroke, certain parts of the body get paralysis. The severity of stroke complications completely varies from person to person. So stroke rehabilitation is a customized treatment program to help individuals relearn skills that they have lost after a stroke attack. The goal of stroke rehabilitation is to help you regain your independence & improve your quality of life. It has been medically proven that patients who go through stroke rehabilitation tend to lead a better life than patients who don’t.

stroke recovery treatments in tamilnadu

Benefits of different stroke rehabilitation therapy

Stroke rehabilitation involves both passive physiotherapy & respiratory therapy. There are different approaches to stroke rehabilitation therapy. The rehabilitation plan completely depends on which body part is affected by the stroke. Here is a list of different stroke rehabilitation therapy and how the body benefits from them:
  • Physical therapy
Physical therapies like motor skill exercises, mobility training, motion therapy aim at strengthening the muscles and help them coordinate among each other. Physical exercises help you to relearn how to walk and force to use limbs and body parts that are affected by stroke. 

  • Technology-assisted therapy
Through technology-assisted therapy machines and equipment are used to help your body parts function again. A functional electrical stimulation is used to contract weakened muscles. The robotic technology assists your limbs to perform repetitive moves so that one can relearn walking and using the limbs.

  • Cognitive disorder therapy
Stroke rehabilitation also involves emotional activities to treat cognitive disorders. Speech therapy is one of the most important parts of the treatment plan where an individual is helped to regain lost abilities like speaking, writing, reading, listening and understanding language.  Post a stroke people often go through depression and anxiety. Stroke rehabilitation also aims at helping an individual to get rid of depression, fear, anxiety and other emotional stress.

stroke recovery treatments in tamilnadu

The stroke Rehabilitation treatments offered by Dr Vanchilingam Hospital are the best treatment options to deal with all stroke-related issues. This is a one-stop destination where you will get effective solutions and treatment plans for every neurological issue. 

To book an appointment, call at tel:04362-226297. 
Visit Us: drvanchilingamhospital.com
Blog Reviewed by: Dr. S. Vanchilingam
Mail Us: info.vanchilingamhospital@gmail.com